just a little blog about our little family.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

some obligatory photos for the grandmas

the "sleeping on mom's chest" photo.

the "isn't he cute when he's sleeping?" shot.

the "look at him he's crawling now" shot.

the "naked baby in the bathtub" shot.

the "food all over the baby's face" shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cute little prince Noah!!


10:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say that these photos are obligatory, but I know that you put them up here just to show Noah off. It's nothing that you had to do. You wanted to do it. But why wouldn't you want to? Noah deserves it.

4:19 PM

Blogger Mike D. said...

listen lynsey, you're this close to never having a picture on this blog again (and i'll remove any old ones of you too). you better watch yo' self!

their obligatory because they're the same old photos that every parent has of their kids. of course noah is cuter than all other babies that have ever existed in the history of time and space, but the photos themself are still a bit cliché. come on, who doesn't have a picture of their kid in the high chair w/ baby food all over his face? irregardless, the point that i'm trying to make is that i really don't care what you think.

5:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you don't care what I think, I'm not even going to really reply to your last comment. I'll try to watch myself in the future and not use any sarcasm whatsoever. You obviously don't understand it.

p.s.- irregardless is not a word. I'm sure that you know this and just used it in your comment to be funny, but I thought that I'd point it out regardless.

p.p.s.- I already know that you don't care what I think.

5:33 PM


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