just a little blog about our little family.

Monday, March 07, 2005

noah's first trip to idaho

a few weeks ago noah and i took a little trip to boise to visit the family. originally we went because aaron told us he was getting married, but he's a liar and actually only ended up having an engagement party. i guess he's getting married to some girl named becky. that's cool i guess. if she can put up with him i suppose we'll embrace her with open arms. i think the whole supposed shotgun wedding thing was just a ploy to get all of his brothers and sisters to fly out and see him before he shipped off to iraq (did i mention that he's going to iraq and that's why there's all of this craziness going on, like fake weddings?).

since i'm not working we decided to just have me fly up, and michelle stayed at home. since several of my family members hadn't seen noah yet we decided that he should go with me. noah was just getting over a severe cold, so the timing was good, because it would have been he#@ to travel with him when he was sick.

i basically just took advantage of the free babysitting from my mom and sisters, and had a relaxing time up there. i saw a movie, which i hadn't done in a long time, and also took noah to dinner at my good friend geoff carey's house. aaron also somehow talked levi and i into helping him move a bunch of junk into his storage unit.

on friday night aaron and becky had an engagement party thang at captain jack's place in the foothills. fortunately we took lots of pictures, but since i wasn't in most of them i'll only show one.

what a fine looking group, eh?

later that night we went up to aaron's homestead for some latenite hottubbin' action. it was actually pretty cool because his place is up in the foothills overlooking the city. it was nearly a full moon that night, and the views of the city were great. no pictures though, sorry.

the place aaron was living at (referred to as the homestead) belonged to my mom's uncle earl, and now his daughters own the place. it's in the foothills above boise, on the road to bogus basin, the local ski resort. there's a little shack on the property, and it sits on a pretty big chunk of land. they bascially let aaron live there for free because he cleaned up the whole property a few years ago, which was in a pretty sad state at the time, according to aaron.

anyway, on saturday before my flight returning home to los angeles left, we decided to go up to the homestead and have a little weenie roast for lunch.

there is a little area in front of the homestead where they planted a bunch of trees, and there's a bbq pit in there. it's kind of a fun place; i know the kids like to come up there and have little campouts with their uncle aaron.

everyone enjoyed the picnic, although there wasn't enough food.

brandon, megan and maddie in their hideout.

the kids like to swim in aaron's hottub, even though it was only 50 ° outside that day.

bathing beauties.

this is bethany and noah on the front porch of aaron's humble homestead.

here are some other photos from the trip that don't really fit well into my travelogue.

lynsey trying to be as cute as noah (fat chance!).

mallory looking much happier than noah.

grandma sue doting on noah. she thinks he's pretty sweet.

noah with his aunt jenny, who is going to be having a little girl later this year.

and finally, getting ready for the plane ride back to los angeles.


Blogger Mike D. said...

aaron davis said:

I mean, come on, anyone could make that mistake, right?

nope aaron, just you. btw, when are you going to put something up on your blog? did you notice that i already added you to my sidebar?

5:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to make sure Michelle knows that Noah is one of the cutest little guys I have ever had the priviledge of providing babysitting for free of charge for a week. We missed having you there too!

and mike, i do check your blog site so please keep the pictures coming

6:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Mike---although they would have been better had you included a few more of your favorite sister. It was great to see you in Boise. I especially enjoyed the night of hot tubbin' and engaging intellectual conversation (you crazy liberal, you) at the homestead.


10:39 AM

Blogger Mike D. said...

sorry sarah. i realized that i didn't have any good pictures of you, but that wasn't by design. i think it mostly because you hid away playing scrabble inside the shack rather than coming out to the picnic.

5:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks jenny! i'm just slightly biased but i think he's pretty swell! sorry i couldn't make the trip this time - i wanted to see your cute little bump!


1:38 AM


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