just a little blog about our little family.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

the first post

well i decided that it's time to start a blog. partly so that i can show off pictures of my boy, noah, and partly because i'm currently unemployed and have a lot of time on my hands. well anyway, here's a picture of the boy in question:

noah w/ his flight hat

hopefully we'll have some regular updates, and perhaps i'll wax philosophical from time to time, or even post a long-winded rant about how much i hate los angeles traffic. come back often if you dare.


Blogger WordyDave said...

Wow! A ringer for Richard Gere. Even that bushy 'hair' exploding around his ears is the right color! Great shot, Michelle.

7:34 PM

Blogger mark said...

he has the same dead pan look that mike has when he takes pictures. like father like son i guess. luckily he's a lot better looking though. ha ha

11:44 AM


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