just a little blog about our little family.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

some travel pics from my past

so anyone that knows me knows that i love to travel. so i thougth that i'd share some pics from my past that i was going through tonite. enjoy.

near jarabacoa, dominican republic, late spring 1997. i spent winter semester doing a study abroad in the dr that year, and aaron came at the end of the semester to hang out for a little while and took me hiking. when we were hiking out i grabbed onto what i thought was a tree, but it was just a log, which proceeded to fall on aaron's head, about knocking him out and sending him down the face of a cliff.

with sungah and heather, seoul, korea, winter late 1997 or early 1998. my brother aaron and i spent seven months teaching english in korea and then used some of our hard earned cash to take a three month romp through southeast asia. aaron really enjoyed korea, especially the pelicana yang-nyum chicken. ask him to sing the song for you sometime. we made a lot of good friends in korea that we are still close with today.

aaron and me, northern thailand near mae hong son, spring 1998. we rented these little motorcycles and took a 3 day tour of some of the hill country in northern thailand near the golden triangle. definitely would recommend this to anyone, it was a great way to see the countryside.

me and two brians, bali, indonesia, summer 1998.

catching some pizza w/ my brother aaron and our friend brian, bali, indonesia, summer 1998.

me and levi, taking it easy, kuta beach, bali, indonesia, summer 1999. levi was 16 at the time, and somehow we convinced our mother that it would be a good idea for her to send him to indonesia for a month with me and some friends. i'm sure that we set great examples for him.

dave campbell, eldon "pops" lee, and me, some small island near labuan bajo, flores, indonesia, summer 1999. a group of us, also including levi and my friend chris armstrong, went on a 5 day boat trip in indonesia to visit a bunch of islands. it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. the boat (in the background) was pretty spartan, but we got to visit some really cool places. and the great thing was that the boat trip only cost us something like $35 each. gotta love the third world.

levi getting ready to pounce on a komodo dragon, rinca island, indonesia, summer 1999.

my brother aaron in the main plaza, tikal, guatemala, spring 2001. the year prior aaron had spent several months living in tegucigalpa, honduras, doing an internship with a economic development aid organization. he decided to accompany me on this trip (i had to travel to guatemala and el salvador for business), and we took a few days off and went to tikal and also to copán, honduras.

main temple complex, tikal, guatemala, spring 2001.

tikal, guatemala, spring 2001. you may recognize this as the same place where they shot the closing scene of star wars.

on the honeymoon, outside of puerto vallarta, mexico, spring 2001.

michelle on the beach, ha'apai islands, tonga, spring 2002. i had to go to auckland, new zealand, fiji, and tonga for work (okay, maybe "got to" rather than "had to") to visit some clients, and so michelle decided to tag along for part of the trip. i loved it, and michelle did as well for the most part, although since she gets ten mosquito bites to every one that i get, she was a bit miserable at times.

michelle getting off the plane, tonga, spring 2002. she is really freaked out by little planes like this, but i love 'em. she made it okay though, she can be a trooper when she has to.


Blogger Ann said...

Awesome pics. Is she taller than you, or standing on something? You have been around a bit. Any pics of Europe?

4:50 PM


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