just a little blog about our little family.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

flowers in the desert

as many of you know, it's been a very rainy winter in southern california. i kept hearing on the news about all of the wildflowers blooming in the desert, so i convinced michelle a few weekends ago that we needed to go and check it out.

so we packed up the element and drove out to joshua tree national park. it wasn't quite as breathtaking as i'd hoped it would be, but nonetheless was quite pretty. i suppose that compared to the normal brownness of the desert it was quite beautiful. and it's nice to spend a day out there when it's not over 100°.

noah really liked getting outside and exploring. he was so excited at a few points that he just kept on kicking and hyperventilating.

he kept on trying to grab the flowers and eat them though.

like in this picture.

it's a little disappointing because the colors didn't come out as vibrant in the photos as i remember them being in real life.

i think by this time noah was getting a bit cranky, but he held in there okay.

on the way back home. we're going to try and make more of an effort to get out on the weekends and see more of the sights around the region. and we'll be sure to take lots of pictures.


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